Well there is a possibility that there will be a change or two in my life. Whether it is at my current place or another. Change might be a comin!
The man who screwed up doesn't quite get the idea that he is still in trouble. Just yesterday, at our site, someone found the combination card to our safe! Also, the bosses want to know where the bag that he kept the money is. Might there be more money in it? Is it possible that donated funds are in it?
Needless to say, it isn't over.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Posted by
A Steward
1:28 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
The guy blamed me. He blamed me!!!!
You know what? I actually found the money! I solved the problem. I saved his ass. Me! He found out today. You know what? He tried to be chummy with me. he wanted to me to talk to him like nothing happened. My God, the guy try to get me in on a federal crime! I work for the federal government, and there were over $3000 missing! He tried to blame me! Coward!
I solved it. You know why? Because I did what I told him to do. Step back and think about it, then find it. I did it and found the money. Where was it you ask? In the drawer! He had no idea! I did the right thing. I just wish that there were good people somewhere who doing the right thing for would help. He isn 't. He is a coward.
I will speak with him on operational and administrative issues only.
Posted by
A Steward
5:10 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Man I did not sleep very well. There is case about a guy who lost $2000 probably more in cash, and over $1000 in cards at my work site. And he just simply won't accept the fact that he is on the verge of being fired or worse! The local invesigator is giving him until Thursday to come up with a statement and show the records of deposit. He wrote the boss expectting to be off schedule for the day. I suggested that he rewrite the boss and tell the boss that everything will be worked out amongst the staff. He says that he will not do that. I cannot believe that he does that. Still, his area is a mess and this was something that was bound to happen.
His financial situation is dire. He has asked colleagues for money. He recently bought a house. He tries to put a lot of it on me. Like I am his lawyer. I am a steward, not a lawyer. This guy is going down fast. Still, at the bottom of it all, I feel for him. I am the only guy who will talk to him at all. Oh well, I will do what I can.
Posted by
A Steward
9:32 AM
Well, it has been a while. Still working on asbestos. Now, there is a nearby site that wants to join our Union. The agency is fighting it. We have been working on the overtime issue. Managment has changed the procedure in overtime without notifying, or offering to bargain with, the Union.
Tried talking to lawyers over the Asbstos issue. They really couldn't do anything as the company that produced it is no longer in business. We are in conmtact with a branch in Washington and they are helping us prepare an Environmental health hazrad request with NIOSH.
The basic issue is that management will not sit and inform the union on what they are doing. Bottom line, we are going to probably have to file another Unfair labor Practice
Posted by
A Steward
6:37 AM