Some movement on the contracting out. Managment folk have offered to sit down and hear about our questions about the contracting out of some operations. I am ok with this, but some managers thought that the issuing was canceled as a result of agreeing with the conference. Uh, no, not true. I am happy and willing to talk. But The Union will not give up any of its rights in order to do so. Don't know exactly when the conference is taking place, but I am sure that it will be sometime next week.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Reply to FLRA and Demand to Bargain
The FLRA gave us a few days to update the ULP we have with the site. Some corrections were made today. I think we made it stronger. Who knows, maybe something will happen. One thing that I really wanted to focus on was that the site did not make the actions about biannual medical updates site wide. No, they made it for only one person. Thus, it cannot be a park wide policy. Perhaps they should have negotiated. Maybe we will win. Then again, maybe not.
We are working on a demanbd to bargain. We want the staff and the managment to know that the Union is here and working. managment has brought a contractor to do some work, they say, in support of the interpretive staff. Well, the contract is very vague and not really specific. So, the Union will issue a demand to bargain, while the contract is going on, and hopefully have a seat at the table tow ork this out. Staff is concerned that their jobs might be contracted. I don't think that that will happen. But the positions are a different. Anyway, Tuesday we should be working on our Amendments and updates to the ULP. Then, the demand will be issued. Oh, we are think of having the two employees who lost time to go the Doctors to griev for it back. Not a bad idea.
Posted by
A Steward
6:50 PM
Friday, January 19, 2007
Talks And FMCS
Well this round of talks has come to and end. I must tell you that it looked like we were finishing up. We thought for sure that the management of the site would actually want to work together. But, they stopped on four artciles. They want the right to hold written admonishments to employees for two years. We feel that they should helpd for 6 months. They actually came down to 18 months and wouldn't budge. This put the staff in a terrible place. One m,istake, one screw up, and they have something in their files for two years?! Pretty bad. There was alsoa leave issue. Managment wants the right to call back staff on an emergency (no problem) and an "urgent operating need." Now, just what the hell, is an "urgent operating need" if it isn't an emergency? Lost us there. They never really anwsered the question. That issue was also tabled. We also tabled two other sentences that has to be do with discipline and leave.
The issue however was the ULP. Yes, it has been a while since the policy was intiated. And the Union officers did not do anything. Yes, my predcessors were wrong in that regard. We wanted to the managment to rescind the policy and, as a result we call off teh ULP. They refused. To remind you, if anybody reads this, our ULP was about the Managment policy of sending a known diabetic to the Doctor's every six months to prove to the employer that the employee still has diabetes. Of course there has been no cure. So the whole thing is absolute bullshit. The fact of the matter is, is that the employee's boss doesn't like him. They have never liked each other at all. That does not justify what they are doing. Oh, by the way, they aren't doing this site wide. Only to this, and one other gujy, who both have reasonable accomodation and light duty because they are diabetic. There are other employees who are diabetic as well as diabled, and they have never recieved a note from managment. Our National Rep, a brilliant guy who thinks with cool calculation spoke with passion and logic yesterday. He tried, however, to reach across the isle. They weren't buying it. This Federal Institution is not a supporter of disabled people who need help. I wish to God I could name the place I work for.
As a result, we will be seeking Federal mediation. Click on the title of the entry for the FMCS. It isn't something we want to do, but we will. because it is right. The supe doesn't want to work together. Well, we will do what we have to to protect the staff.
Posted by
A Steward
11:50 AM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Talks and ULP
Talks restarted today. First things first, the Prez called up the FLRA and it looks like we may lose the ULP. The reason being that the Union waited to long to reply. It isn't our fault now, it is that the poeple in the position lost because they didn't do anything when this happened. They waited to long to reply. Still, the National Rep will be talking to management's rep ab out getting the medical policy over turned. They spoke after talks. I was annoyed at this. Mostly at ourselves for not realizing it. Still, we are right and we stood up for our people. I think this may change however. I wish this was a time when this country would support workers. It isn't that way now. Unions don't suck and we are out there to help.
Talks continued, hopefully for the final time. We are going over issues tabled. So far things are moving smoothly. We have gone over some 18 articles, so we are moving rather fast. i think we might be done by Thursday. i hope so. It is isn't that I don't enjoy the talks. I do. It helps me understand where Management is coming from. God knows I am bored at my job. i would like to get back to teh staff. There are contracting out issues that are coming.
Posted by
A Steward
6:24 PM
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Well the Prez got an e-mail today from the Human Resources person. It stated that they knew that the FLRA person was coming buy to speak about the ULP. The prez sent me an e-mail about it. I replied something along the lines, "Big deal. I am not scared." This is a tough time for him. He is nervouse. But he is doing the right thing. We are standing up to abusive management. They cannot be allowed to make someone do this. It is wrong and we had to file. Still, the Prez got the e0maila nd handled it in the professional way that he is known. I am glad that he is in the position he is in.
HR also sent us a brand new Official time form. She told us that we have to fill this out before the event. Well, it is funny. We do that all the time, but, it is the Direct Superviser who doesn't get it in on time. Not our fault.
Had a long time employee come to me about general attitude of the direct superviser. She thought he was rude to her. She can be somethying of a nag. So I don't know that I blame him for being a little annoyed. Still, he needed to be a little nicer. Anyway, tomorrow the FLRA will be calling the Prez. Wonder if National Rep will call.
Posted by
A Steward
6:52 PM
Monday, January 8, 2007
Another FOIA
Got the reply from the Supe to our request for a FOIA. It wasn't stone walling but it wasn't open door either. Basically he just showed us what is on the web page. Big deal. Here is a guy who, when he came here, said that things were going to be different. Things will be open and that there will be more of a team spirit. Well, that just hasn't happened. He has been hostile to the staff ever since he arrived. In fact it is the prevailing attitude of all managers. This reply is no exception. Well, today we prepared a more detailed FOIA. We want the specifics on three organizations that are contracted here to do the duties that we do. He wants to play hardball? Well, fine then, so will we.
I will tell you what has started this. It is the Bush administration. They are no friends to the everyday citizen. Yes, I am a Federal worker. I get great benefits. But I deserve respect. I love my country. It is great and beautiful. If you knew where I worked, you would understand and agree with me. The staff here gets none because the administration is not a supporter of the employee. They support the employer. I used to be a Republican. I am now a Socialist. It is scary really scray just hostile the administration truly is.
Posted by
A Steward
7:00 PM
Friday, January 5, 2007
A new Day and a New situation-Federal Pension web page
Well we have started the new year and it will be OK I guess. Coming up on the 16th, we will have negotiations with the Management. They should be straight forward, and, hopefully, end. We have been meeting off and on for the past seven months. It is time for these to end. We have a new person at the Human Resources at the site. Hopefully, this will goa lot smoother than it did before. We have a person in my division who is about to retire. The Managment has not been as helpful as it could be. They basically gave the papers with numbers and sent him on his way. Noty as helpful as they could be, but they guy isn't as nice as he can be either. Still, pensions are important, and if you click on the title, you can go to OPM and learn the complicated process of retirement.
Posted by
A Steward
11:08 AM
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Prez and the Supe
The Prez states that the Supe was short and almost confrontational. I advised that the Prez note this meeting for future purposes. Remember that our Union has filed an ULP against the site. We felt that the administration had not been forthcomoing, nor would they sit and speak with the Union whenever they had a problem. When that did occure, the managment was short and confrontational. Prez tells me that yes, things were short, but not worthy of documentation. He feels that the meeting was as a result of our persistance. I hope he is right, but I doubt it. I think again, that teh Supe was short because he did not want to meet with the Prez. We are beneath the Supe. We are staff and should be grateful, perhaps beholden, to the managers of our site. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it.
Posted by
A Steward
1:46 PM
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Meeting between the Prez and the Supe
The Prez met with the Supe about the 15 minute breaks. The Supe said that he would aloow staff who are diabled (The diabetiocs) take their breaks back in the office. He (The supe) did not want to see the breaks abused. Of course that begs the quesdtion, "Why not Sir, go after the violaters instead of attacking the staff as a whole?" To punish the whole for the problems of the few is wrong. That is just the way that things go.
I tell you I am off until Janauary 7th. When I go back, it will be too soon.
Posted by
A Steward
4:50 PM
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Happy New Year
Still on annual leave. Have a happy and safe new year.
Posted by
A Steward
11:35 AM