Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Well the Prez got an e-mail today from the Human Resources person. It stated that they knew that the FLRA person was coming buy to speak about the ULP. The prez sent me an e-mail about it. I replied something along the lines, "Big deal. I am not scared." This is a tough time for him. He is nervouse. But he is doing the right thing. We are standing up to abusive management. They cannot be allowed to make someone do this. It is wrong and we had to file. Still, the Prez got the e0maila nd handled it in the professional way that he is known. I am glad that he is in the position he is in.

HR also sent us a brand new Official time form. She told us that we have to fill this out before the event. Well, it is funny. We do that all the time, but, it is the Direct Superviser who doesn't get it in on time. Not our fault.

Had a long time employee come to me about general attitude of the direct superviser. She thought he was rude to her. She can be somethying of a nag. So I don't know that I blame him for being a little annoyed. Still, he needed to be a little nicer. Anyway, tomorrow the FLRA will be calling the Prez. Wonder if National Rep will call.

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